Data Crush

This is one of the most innovative and out-of-the-box campaign ideas we have ever executed for a client, and it generated exceptional results.

The Challenge

Our creativity is one of the major elements we pride ourselves on as an agency. Because our in-house team works closely together and with our customers, we can brainstorm and develop out-of-the-box projects that remain on-brand and work within the best practices and guidelines of our customer. The original request for this project was: “I would like to have an infographic – or maybe even an interactive quiz – that focuses on why you need SAP Data Intelligence – and why now – maybe even something like questions asked, you give a few answers – and then you move on.”

The Strategy

Our team brainstormed with the customer about their goals for the project and agreed that a simple quiz wouldn’t engage their audience as much as they needed to. They wanted to build something fun that would make a splash and generate buzz. The team agreed to create a game that would house the quiz, allowing users to move up levels as they answered questions and completed puzzles. The gamification of the quiz encouraged users to continue through the process, having fun while answering insightful questions developed by our writer.

The Results

Data Crush was a huge success for our customer. A campaign was built around the game, with a social media hashtag (#datacrushchallenge) encouraging users to share their results, and a contest to award high scores. The initial contest was so well received that a second challenge with new levels was released the next year. Following the success of Data Crush, we were asked to develop other games (Angry Data and the SAP Community Aviator), proving that the gamification of even something as simple as a B2B quiz can be fun and successful.